Summer brings out the colourfull side of everyone. All of the heavy weight of sweaters and jackets is waived-off and people finally walk free and light weighted with freedom.Many people prefer to stay indoors in the summers and stay in low and cool environment, the people who travels more prefer and wear all those light weight clothes that are comfortable, fashionable and breathable and of course stylize their selves.

Cotton is a soft, fluffy fibre that grows into a ball around the seed of a cotton plant. It has the characteristics of all the natural fibres. Cotton have pores which allow the flow of air from it which help in keeping body temperature lower than usual. It is also considered to be durable. Cotton has been in use for several years going back to the Indus Valley. The cotton material is so porous and light weighted that it is like to be breathing on its own, which keeps the person wearing cotton cool and calm by low temperature. There is a drawback of using cotton material that it wrinkles very easily, it can also absorb a lot of water, which makes cotton difficult to dry than any other fabric. 

Lightweight wool is also used by many, which is actually a winter fabric for men it is summer suit. It is mixed with the blend of polyester and is usually popular for its ability of wicking. Light wool shirts are usually worn in sports.
Wearing light colours in summer is not a big matter of consideration now a days. Light colours in clothes are mostly used and liked because they deflect the sun heat.

Wicking fabric is a man-made blend of cotton and polyester. Wicking fabric is popular for their ability to draw the moisture away from the body in summer. Wicking polyester is specially designed to absorb the moisture.



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